.. _x-bte-response-mapping: x-bte-response-mapping Object ============================= Provide one-to-one map between individual field in the API response and the corresponding concept in the Biolink model. Properties **************************** ==================== ============== =========================== Properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- Property name Type Description ==================== ============== =========================== biolinkConceptName String Map between individual fie\ field in API response and \ corresponding concept name\ in Biolink model. Nested \ fields should be represent\ ed using the dot notation. ==================== ============== =========================== x-bte-response-mapping example ****************************** The following example represents a x-bte-response-mapping object, where the nested field “go.CC.id” correspond to the Biolink concept GO, and the “go.CC.pubmed” correspond to the Biolink concept publication. .. code-block:: json { “GO”: “go.CC.id”, “publication”: “go.CC.pubmed” }