.. _x-bte-kgs-operations: x-bte-kgs-operations Object =========================== Describe list of single-hop knowledge graph retrieval operations that a single OpenAPI operation can perform. ==================== ============== =========================== Properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- Property name Type Description ==================== ============== =========================== x-bte-kgs-operations [x-bte-kgs-op A list of single-hop eration Object knowledge graph retrieval |Reference operations that an OpenAPI Object] operation can perform. The list can use the Reference Object to link to x-bte-kgs operation defined in components ==================== ============== =========================== x-bte-kgs-operations example **************************** The following example defines two x-bte-kgs-operations (ChemicalSubstance – physically_interacts_with – Gene && Gene – physically_interacts_with -- ChemicalSubstance) associated with the GET operation of the /interactions endpoint. .. code-block:: json { "interactions.json": { "get": { "parameters": [ { "in": "query", "name": "drugs" }, { "in": "query", "name": "genes } ], "x-bte-kgs-operations": [ { "inputs": [ { "id": "biolink:CHEMBL.COMPOUND", "semantic": "biolink:ChemicalSubstance" } ], "outputs": [ { "id": "biolink:NCBIGene", "semantic": "biolink:Gene" } ], "parameters": { "drugs": "{inputs[0]}" }, "predicate": "biolink:physically_interacts_with", "supportBatch": False, "responseMapping": { "NCBIGene": "matchedTerms.interactions.geneEntrezId", "publication": "matchedTerms.interactions.pmids" } }, { "inputs": [ { "id": "biolink:NCBIGene", "semantic": "biolink:Gene" } ], "outputs": [ { "id": "biolink:CHEMBL.COMPOUND", "semantic": "biolink:ChemicalSubstance" } ], "parameters": { "genes": "{inputs[0]}" }, "predicate": "biolink:physically_interacts_with", "supportBatch": False, "responseMapping": { "CHEMBL.COMPOUND": "matchedTerms.interactions.drugChemblId", "publication": "matchedTerms.interactions.pmids" } } ] } } }