.. _x-bte-kgs-node: x-bte-kgs-node Object ========================== Describe a node in a meta knowledge graph. Used to describe the inputs and outputs of a single-hop knowledge graph retrieval operation. Properties **************************** ==================== ============== =========================== Properties ----------------------------------------------------------------- Property name Type Description ==================== ============== =========================== id String The identifier used to rep\ resent the node, e.g. NCBI\ Gene. The value should be \ prefixed with "biolink:". semantic String The semantic type used to \ represent the node, e.g. G\ ene. The value should be p\ refixed with "biolink:". ==================== ============== =========================== x-bte-kgs-node example **************************** The following example represents a x-bte-kgs-node object with identifier as “NCBIGene” from the biolink model and semantic type as “Gene” from the biolink model. .. code-block:: json { “id”: “biolink:NCBIGene”, “semantic”: “biolink:Gene” }